Posing with Buzz

Posing with Buzz

Coco Beach, FL

Coco Beach, FL

Friday, January 18, 2008

Internet Problems

I finally got an internet connection at our house. Our DSL line isn't working AGAIN but I can pick up wireless if I sit right by the front windows with the laptop. We are so excited for our friends, Chris and Carrie. They are in Russia to adopt their son Jacob! According to their blog they will be able to get him on Monday. They have a lot of traveling to do so keep them in your prayers. I know they can't wait to hold him in their arms.
We started our adoption paperwork over the Christmas break. A few weeks ago we went to our "First Fridays" get together with other friends who have already adopted, some who are returning for second and third daughters and some who are just starting out like us. For those of you who we have not had the joy of sharing with, we are adopting a daughter from China. It's a very long wait due to the fact that China has opened up adoption domestically. Another hold up is that I'm only 29 years old and we they won't accept our application until I'm 29.5! We think that once our application is logged in this summer, the dossiear will take about 5 months and then we will have our "match" about 32 months after that. We are in no rush and we are looking forward to learning more about the whole process.
The boys are doing great. Preston just had his 4 year old well child visit. He needed 5 shots (ouch). I took Parker outside to see the snowflakes while Jeremiah had the honor of holding him. I could hear him screaming from the parking lot! We immediately drove the child to McDonald's! We felt so sorry for him. He didn't want to go inside because he didn't want to make the babies cry. His arms are still hurting him 3 days later. He didn't pass his hearing test, but we expected that since he is once again having ear infections. His tubes are no longer in his ears so we will have his hearing testing again later.
Parker is so much fun and so mischevious. He is climbing on everything. He likes to say "daddy, Elmo, and bro " (for brother). His favorite food is currently yogurt and we can't keep him out of the fridge. He stands at the fridge crying for yogurt. He is starting to get some little curls in the back of his hair. Ms. Crystal even taught him how to play Ring Around the Rosie and it keeps him entertained for a while.
Gotta run. Amy, Matt and the kids are coming over to play with the boys so we can go to the movies.

Best Buddies

Best Buddies
Brock and Preston

Visiting Santa

Visiting Santa
Parker didn't like his beard, and began to scream!