Posing with Buzz

Posing with Buzz

Coco Beach, FL

Coco Beach, FL

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Happy 6th Anniversary June 24, 2007

We celebrated 6 years of marriage today! The four of us went to our new church in Hamilton Mill, Crossroads. Preston and Parker went to Kids Co and they both had a great time. Preston learned about Solomon and Parker played with balls.

After church we drove to Duluth to take the boys to Nannie's house. They stayed with Nannie while we went to lunch at Bahama Breeze. We both ordered Salmon and it was delicious. We did a little shopping for the boys at Old Navy and then had dessert at Baskin Robins.

We headed back to Nannie's and took the boys swimming. They had so much fun. Parker just laughed the whole time while splashing water in his face. Preston is so brave and doesn't want anyone near him in the water. Near the end, he did swim around and Jeremiah's back.

When we got home we gave the boys a bath. Parker was so exhausted that he went right to bed. Preston had to eat again and he watched one of his letter video's. Jeremiah is putting him to bed now.

On Tuesday we are going to Hartsfield Jackson to pick up Jordyn. We are so excited that she is coming to stay with us. It's also a very special day for her since she will be turning 12. It will be her first time to fly by herself. We are looking forward to spending time with her and doing fun things.


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Brock and Preston

Visiting Santa

Visiting Santa
Parker didn't like his beard, and began to scream!